Travel to Curitiba.
Unfortunately our stay at the resort only lasted the one night. We had a 6 (ish) hour bus ride to Curitiba, in Paraná, I say 6ish because we were taking mostly mountainous roads, and ended up with a flat tire halfway through the trip. We had to stop for a half hour or so on the side of the road to fix that....
Our bus drive, Senhor Mauro, changing a flat [photo credit to Samantha Mielo] |
After going to the park, we walked to a nearby mall to get a vibe for Brazilian culture. Apparently, the trend in Brazil is to have English words or American phrases on t-shirts (Dina told us this show's that the wearer either has the money to travel or to learn English). A lot of the phrases just weren't right though. We found a Pittsburgh Falcons shirt with a knock-off of the Penguins logo. There were some other amusing shirts as well. After the mall, we got drinks and dinner on Avenida do Batel, one of Curitiba's busier streets at night. All in all, it was a pretty fun day.
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